Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Great Gift Idea for the Kid Who Already Has Everything

Teach kids to love nature and learning with
Award-Winning Magazines from ShopNWF.org - just $19.95!

Ranger Rick is HUGE at our house. We currently subscribe to pretty much all of these publications, and I find them particularly refreshing after a day of being bombarded by violent, vacant and vapid television and print media. The photography is amazing. Stop buying plastic toys and start buying the kids in your life an education and frame of reference! Besides, who doesn't like to get a magazine in the mail?!?


  1. Dustjacket: Thanks for coming over!

  2. I love this idea! I want to get them for myself too! haha

  3. Kris, I always feel a little guilty perusing my sons' issues of Big Backyard and Ranger Rick as soon as they come - before he gets a chance to read them! Thanks for coming by!

  4. I love you! This is what I typically try to do for young kids. We had Ranger Rick @ our house all those years ago & it was like getting a gift 12 mos. a year. You know how kids love getting something in the mailbox? Yes, so much better than those plastic, quickly tired of, toys. Happy new week to you Kitty xx

  5. And for my girlie girl, I love American Girl Magazine. Thankfully they don't even mention the dolls in the magazine (except that they put a miniature version of the mag in there in case you have a doll). There's no advertising, no emphasis on looks, boys, or the latest fashions. There are some stories, serious articles, some fun craft ideas, an advice column. It reminds me of how Young Miss used to be when I was young, before it became just another teen fashion mag.

  6. DT: Your support of my blogs is very, very appreciated! Ranger Rick rocks! xo Your Kitty

  7. Bad Alice, I don't have little girls in my life, but I've seen the magazine. You're right. I hate the way girls are spoon-fed princess crap and pop stars --- as if they have no archetypical alternatives or other identities to explore! I remember Young Miss too, but I had forgotten. Thanks for the memories! xo kitty
