Two things today, kittens. First and foremost, BPA. Bisphenol-A, or BPA is now being taken seriously by the Environmental Protection Agency. BPA is the nasty chemical in plastic that leaches into our food and beverages. How you ask? Canned goods and bevs are lined with a think plastic layer to keep the product from oxidizing. Microwaveable dinners come in plastic containers; baby bottles and sippies are often made of plastic, notably polycarbonate (#7). Heat these things in any way, including leaving water bottles in the sun and you will be ingesting BPA. Gross. This insidious chemical is also in some cosmetics. Read my full post in my column on; please do subscribe! I list some options for getting this toxin out of your life!
Second, a blogging tip from me to you: ever find yourself cutting and pasting some mobius strip of code? You can easily shorten long URLs by going to No www is necessary. Copy your link into the magic box and you'll get a bit that looks like this: Presto! No more ridonculously long web addresses!
Don't forget your sunscreen, kittens. As promised, I will be posting a piece on green and natural sun options. I am still hard at work testing some products for you. (Update: click on the latter link; I just posted a little something for you) Love, Kitty
Thanks for stopping by to visit via DJ Attic...You are a busy girl, with 4 blogs oh my! I can hardly do have all kinds of great info right up my alley, thanks for sharing, I will be popping by often...
Dolce, Welcome and Namaste! xo kitty